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Term: assa


Sense 1:

A type of martial art originated in Japan that focuses on self-defense techniques.

Sample Sentence:

Practicing assa has helped me improve my confidence and self-control.

Sense 2:

A colloquial term used to refer to a donkey or a mule.

Sample Sentence:

The farmers loaded the sacks onto the assa and headed towards the market.


Sense 1:

To assert or declare strongly and forcefully.

Sample Sentence:

I assa that I am innocent of the crime I am accused of.

Sense 2:

To assess or evaluate a situation, person, or object.

Sample Sentence:

She asked her team to assa the risks involved before proceeding with the project.


Sense 1:

Referring to something that is popular, trendy, or fashionable.

Sample Sentence:

The assa clothing brand has gained a huge following among young adults.

Sense 2:

Referring to something that is specific or restricted to a particular locality or region.

Sample Sentence:

The restaurant offers a unique menu that includes assa dishes from different parts of the country.

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