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asiatic beetle


Definitions from WordNet

Noun asiatic beetle has 1 sense
  1. Oriental beetle, Asiatic beetle, Anomala orientalis - introduced into United States from the Orient; larvae feed on roots of sugarcane and other grasses
    --1 is a kind of scarabaeid beetle, scarabaeid, scarabaean
    --1 is a member of Anomala, genus Anomala

Definitions from the Web

Asiatic Beetle


Asiatic beetle refers to a type of beetle native to Asia, typically known for its distinctive appearance and various ecological roles.

Part of Speech:



Sense 1:

A beetle native to Asia, belonging to the family Scarabaeidae, characterized by a hard exoskeleton and often having brightly colored or patterned wings.

Example Sentence: The Asiatic beetle landed gracefully on the flower petal, showcasing its vibrant blue wings.

Sense 2:

A destructive beetle species, also known as Asian Longhorned Beetle (ALB), which has invasive tendencies and causes significant damage to a variety of trees and plants outside of its native range in Asia.

Example Sentence: The introduction of the Asiatic beetle into the ecosystem has led to the decline of several tree species in the region.


Popular Usage:

Many nature enthusiasts and researchers are captivated by the Asiatic beetle due to its vibrant colors and intriguing behavior.

Example Sentence: The Asiatic beetle is a common subject of study among entomologists.

Local Usage:

In certain regions of Asia, the Asiatic beetle is considered a symbol of good fortune and is often depicted in local artwork.

Example Sentence: The local artisans crafted beautiful paintings showcasing the majestic Asiatic beetle.

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