Definitions from WordNet | ||||
Definitions from the WebArgilDefinition:Argil refers to a type of clay that is often rich in aluminum silicate, commonly used for making pottery and ceramics. Senses:Noun:1. A fine-grained clay with a plastic quality, commonly used in the production of ceramics and pottery. 2. (Geology) A type of clay that forms from the weathering of rocks containing aluminum silicate. Adjective:1. Pertaining to clay or resembling clay in texture or appearance. Usage Examples:Noun:1. The potter skillfully molded the argil into a beautiful vase. 2. When fired at high temperatures, the delicate argil produces durable ceramic objects. Adjective:1. The artist created stunning sculptures out of argil clay. 2. The pottery exhibit showcased various argil pieces crafted by local artisans. Related Products:Clay-related products on Amazon | ||||
argentinidae argentino argentinosaur argentite argentous argentum argi argiculutre secretary argil argillaceous argillaceous rock argillite argimony arginine arginite argiope argiope aurantia