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archidiskidon imperator


Definitions from WordNet

Noun archidiskidon imperator has 1 sense
  1. imperial mammoth, imperial elephant, Archidiskidon imperator - largest known mammoth; of America
    --1 is a kind of mammoth
    --1 is a member of Archidiskidon, genus Archidiskidon

Definitions from the Web

Archidiskidon imperator

Archidiskidon imperator is a scientific name that refers to the African elephant, a large terrestrial mammal native to the African continent. It is the largest living land animal, known for its distinctive trunk, tusks, and large ears.

Example sentences:

1. The Archidiskidon imperator gracefully walked through the savannah.

2. Tourists were amazed by the size of the Archidiskidon imperator herd.

3. Studying the behavior and habitat of the Archidiskidon imperator is a major field of research.

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