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Definitions from WordNet

Noun arboriculture has 1 sense
  1. arboriculture, tree farming - the cultivation of tree for the production of timber
    --1 is a kind of farming, agriculture, husbandry

Definitions from the Web



The term "arboriculture" refers to the cultivation, management, and study of trees, shrubs, and other perennial woody plants. It encompasses practices such as planting, pruning, and caring for trees for various purposes, including landscaping, forestry, and urban green spaces.


  1. As a practice: Arboriculture involves the science and techniques used in caring for individual trees, including tree health assessment, tree surgery, and tree preservation. The primary goal is to ensure the vitality and safety of trees in urban and natural environments.
  2. As a study: Arboriculture also encompasses the scientific study of trees and their biology, growth patterns, and ecological significance. It includes research on tree physiology, pathology, and the development of improved tree care practices.


Example sentences for arboriculture:

  • 1. The arboriculture department at the local botanical garden provides free workshops on proper tree planting techniques.
  • 2. Due to the rapid urbanization, the need for arboriculture experts to preserve and maintain city trees has significantly increased.
  • 3. Studying arboriculture opened my eyes to the complexity of tree communication and the importance of proper pruning.

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