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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective arbitral has 1 sense
  1. arbitral, arbitrational - relating to or resulting from arbitration; "the arbitral adjustment of the controversy"; "an arbitrational settlement"

Definitions from the Web

Term: arbitral

Part of Speech: adjective

Sense 1: Relating to arbitration or the process of resolving disputes.

Example sentence 1: The parties involved in the contract dispute agreed to submit their case to arbitration and selected an arbitral tribunal to resolve it.

Example sentence 2: The arbitral decision in the labor dispute was final and binding, and the employees had to abide by it.

Sense 2: Pertaining to or characteristic of an arbitrator or arbitration.

Example sentence 1: The lawyer had extensive experience in arbitral proceedings and was often appointed as an arbitrator in high-profile cases.

Example sentence 2: The arbitral award was seen as fair and impartial by both parties involved in the dispute.

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