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Part of Speech: Noun

Definition: A popular Filipino term used to describe an array or assortment of various items or ingredients, typically used in the context of food.

Example Sentences:
  1. The buffet offered a delicious aray of seafood, meats, and desserts.
  2. My grandmother prepared a special dish with an aray of vegetables from her garden.

Part of Speech: Verb

Definition: To arrange or organize various items or ingredients into an array or assortment.

Example Sentences:
  1. I'll need your help to aray the flowers for the table centerpiece.
  2. She skillfully arays the sushi rolls to create an appealing presentation.

Part of Speech: Adjective

Definition: Describing something that is local or specific to a particular region or area.

Example Sentences:
  1. The festival celebrates the aray culture with traditional dances and music.
  2. The store sells unique handicrafts made by aray artisans.

Part of Speech: Adverb

Definition: Referring to something done in a popular or common manner.

Example Sentences:
  1. She danced aray across the stage, impressing the audience with her moves.
  2. They decorated the room aray for the holiday party.
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