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Definitions from the Web



Definition: intense criticism or disapproval, typically stemming from public opinion

Example sentence: The politician's scandalous behavior attracted a significant amount of approbrium from his constituents.

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Definition: disgrace or shame brought upon someone due to their actions or behavior

Example sentence: The athlete's use of performance-enhancing drugs brought great approbrium upon their once-respected reputation.

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Noun (Local)

Definition: a strong local disapproval or condemnation, usually related to a specific issue or incident within a community

Example sentence: The proposed construction of a noisy nightclub received overwhelming approbrium from the nearby residents.

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Definition: to express strong disapproval or condemnation towards someone or something

Example sentence: The news article approbriated the company's deceptive marketing tactics, urging consumers to boycott their products.

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Definition: characterized by intense criticism or disapproval

Example sentence: In the midst of the scandal, the company faced approbrium and struggled to regain their customers' trust.

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approb s approbate approbated approbation approbative approbator approbatory approbiate approbrium approch approche approched approdation approdite approdite approiamate approiate

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