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Definitions from WordNet

Noun appalachia has 1 sense
  1. Appalachia - an impoverished coal mining area in the Appalachian Mountains (from Pennsylvania to North Carolina)
    --1 is a kind of
    geographical area, geographic area, geographical region, geographic region
    --1 is a part of Appalachians, Appalachian Mountains

Definitions from the Web



Appalachia is a region in the Eastern United States, commonly known for its distinctive culture, natural beauty, and mountainous terrain. The area spans across 13 states, including southern New York, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, Maryland, Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi.



  1. A geographical region in the Eastern United States spanning across 13 states.
  2. The distinctive culture and heritage of the Appalachian region.


  1. Pertaining to or characteristic of the Appalachian region.

Sample Sentences

Noun (Sense 1)

1. I'm planning a road trip through Appalachia to explore its breathtaking scenery.

2. The Appalachian Trail, which stretches over 2,000 miles, passes through many notable sites in Appalachia.

Noun (Sense 2)

1. The folk music of Appalachia reflects the rich cultural heritage of the region.

2. The traditional Appalachian cuisine is known for its hearty dishes and use of locally sourced ingredients.


1. He has an authentic Appalachian accent, as he was born and raised in the region.

2. The Appalachian crafts displayed at the local fair were truly remarkable.

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