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apasmus oesophagi


Definitions from the Web

Apasmus Oesophagi


Apasmus oesophagi is a medical term that refers to the lack of movement or paralysis of the esophagus. It is a condition that affects the normal functioning of the esophageal muscles, leading to difficulties in swallowing and digestion.

Senses and Usages:

1. Noun (Medical):

- The medical condition characterized by the paralysis or lack of movement in the esophagus.

- Patients with apasmus oesophagi often experience discomfort and pain while eating.

2. Verb (Medical):

- The act of exhibiting paralysis or lack of movement in the esophagus.

- The patient's esophagus apamused, causing him to struggle with food digestion.

3. Adjective (Medical):

- Describing or pertaining to the lack of movement in the esophagus.

- The apasmus oesophagi condition affected the patient's ability to swallow.

4. Local (Figurative):

- In local slang, "apasmus oesophagi" is sometimes used humorously to describe the feeling of having a big food craving or being incredibly hungry.

- After hours of exercise, he felt like he had apasmus oesophagi and could eat an entire pizza.

5. Related Products:

- Check out esophagus pain relief products on Amazon

- Explore esophageal disease related products on Amazon

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