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antynomymn for grope


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Antonym for grope


An antonym for grope is to have a clear or definite sense of touch. It refers to the ability to perceive objects or surfaces by using the sense of touch without any uncertainty or fumbling.

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Senses and Usages:

Part of Speech: Verb

Sense 1:

Definition: To have a clear or definite sense of touch.

Example sentence: She gently stroked the delicate fabric, her fingers easily detecting its softness.

Sense 2:

Definition: To accurately identify objects or surfaces by touch without any uncertainty.

Example sentence: The blindfolded contestant was able to identify various objects with ease, showcasing her clear sense of touch.

Part of Speech: Noun

Sense 1:

Definition: The ability to perceive objects or surfaces by using the sense of touch without any uncertainty or fumbling.

Example sentence: His heightened sense of touch allowed him to distinguish between different textures effortlessly.

Sense 2:

Definition: A clear or precise perception of touch.

Example sentence: The pianist's nimble fingers danced across the keys, demonstrating his exceptional sense of touch.

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