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Definitions from the WebAntonyms for DegenerateDefinition:Degenerate is an adjective that describes something showing evidence of decline or deterioration. As a noun, it refers to a person who has declined in moral or intellectual qualities. Possible Antonyms:1. Improve: Enhance or advance in quality or condition. 2. Normalize: Restore or bring back to a normal or standard condition. 3. Honor: Representing a person who possesses admirable qualities such as integrity, honesty, and respect. 4. Enlightened: Exhibiting intellectual or spiritual knowledge and understanding. 5. Flourishing: Thriving, prosperous, or growing vigorously. Sample Sentences:1. She strived to improve her skills and prove that she was not a degenerate artist. 2. After therapy, he managed to normalize his behavior and distance himself from his previous degenerate lifestyle. 3. The award recognized his honor and dedication to the community, setting him apart from the degenerate politicians. 4. The philosopher's enlightened thinking challenged commonly accepted norms and shed light on alternative perspectives. 5. The economy is flourishing, providing ample opportunities for individuals to escape the degenerate state of unemployment. | ||||
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