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Definitions from the WebAntonyms of "see"Noun:Blindness: the condition of lacking the faculty of sight. Sample Sentence: His blindness prevented him from enjoying the beautiful sunset. Verb:Ignore: to deliberately pay no attention to. Sample Sentence: Please don't ignore your responsibilities; they won't go away on their own. Adjective:Invisible: unable to be seen; not visible to the eye. Sample Sentence: The small speck of dust was invisible to the naked eye. Adverb:Unseen: without being seen. Sample Sentence: The thief slipped into the room unseen while everyone was sleeping. Preposition:Without: indicating the absence or lack of something. Sample Sentence: She couldn't imagine her life without her beloved dog. | ||||
antonym of rifling antonym of ritardando antonym of rivalry antonym of rudiments antonym of sagacity antonym of salvage antonym of scheme antonym of schemecheme antonym of see antonym of self-imposed antonym of semester antonym of sentinel antonym of separation antonym of seriously antonym of sheepishly antonym of shoot antonym of simile