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anthropology department


Definitions from WordNet

Noun anthropology department has 1 sense
  1. anthropology department, department of anthropology - the academic department responsible for teaching and research in anthropology
    --1 is a kind of academic department

Definitions from the Web

Anthropology Department


The anthropology department is a specialized academic division within a university or college that offers courses and conducts research in the field of anthropology.


Sense 1:

As a noun, an anthropology department refers to the physical location or administrative unit within an educational institution where the study of anthropology takes place.

Example sentence: The anthropology department at XYZ University is known for its comprehensive research on indigenous cultures.

Sense 2:

As a noun, an anthropology department can also refer to the faculty members and staff who teach and conduct research in the field of anthropology within an educational institution.

Example sentence: The anthropology department includes renowned scholars and experts in archaeology and cultural anthropology.


Usage 1:

Students often join the anthropology department to pursue a Bachelor's, Master's, or Ph.D. degree in anthropology.

Example sentence: Sarah enrolled in the anthropology department to study human evolution and global cultural practices.

Usage 2:

The anthropology department organizes various events, workshops, and seminars to promote an understanding of diverse cultures and societies.

Example sentence: The anthropology department hosted an international conference on the impact of globalization on indigenous communities.

Usage 3:

The anthropology department offers interdisciplinary courses that explore the intersection of anthropology with other social sciences, such as sociology and psychology.

Example sentence: The anthropology department collaborates with the sociology department to offer a joint course on the anthropological perspectives of social inequality.

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