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anterior cerebral vein


Definitions from WordNet

Noun anterior cerebral vein has 1 sense
  1. anterior cerebral vein, vena cerebri anterior - accompanies the anterior cerebral artery and empties into the basal vein
    --1 is a kind of cerebral vein, vena cerebri

Definitions from the Web

Anterior Cerebral Vein


The anterior cerebral vein is a blood vessel that plays a significant role in the vascular system of the brain. It is responsible for draining deoxygenated blood from the frontal lobes and the medial regions of the brain and carrying it towards the larger cerebral veins.

Sample Sentences:

  • The anterior cerebral vein forms a crucial part of the cerebral venous system.
  • During brain surgery, it is vital to carefully handle the anterior cerebral vein to avoid complications.
  • A blockage in the anterior cerebral vein can result in severe neurological consequences.
  • Researchers are studying the relationship between the anterior cerebral vein and certain neurodegenerative disorders.

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