Definitions from WordNet
Noun anorgasmia has 1 sense | ||||
Definitions from the WebAnorgasmiaDescription:Anorgasmia refers to the persistent inability to achieve orgasm during sexual activity, whether alone or with a partner. It is a condition that affects both men and women, and can be caused by various factors such as physical or psychological issues. Senses:1. Noun (Medical) - Inability to achieve orgasm:In medical terms, anorgasmia is defined as the inability to reach orgasm despite adequate sexual stimulation. It can be a frustrating and distressing condition for individuals experiencing it. Example Sentence:"She has been struggling with anorgasmia for years, and it has greatly affected her sexual satisfaction." 2. Noun (Informal) - Lack of excitement or enthusiasm:Informally, anorgasmia can be used to describe a lack of excitement or enthusiasm towards something, usually unrelated to sexual activity. It is a metaphorical usage of the term. Example Sentence:"The crowd's anorgasmia towards her performance was disheartening. Related Products: | ||||
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