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Term: Anderer

Part of Speech: Noun


- A person who is different or the opposite of someone else.

Example Sentence:

- He is nothing like his brother, he is a complete anderer.

- The two siblings have completely different personalities; one is outgoing, while the other is a total anderer.

Part of Speech: Adjective


- Of a different kind or variety; distinct.

Example Sentence:

- She chose an anderer path than her peers and pursued a career in the arts instead of medicine.

- The company's new product offers a unique and anderer approach to solving everyday challenges.

Part of Speech: Pronoun


- Another person or thing; a different one.

Example Sentence:

- The first book was interesting, but I liked the anderer better.

- One road leads to the town center, while the anderer takes you to the outskirts.

Part of Speech: Adverb


- Differently; in a different way.

Example Sentence:

- She rewrote the song lyrics to be sung anderer.

- He approached the problem anderer than his colleagues, leading to a novel solution.

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