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and circuit


Definitions from WordNet

Noun and circuit has 1 sense
  1. AND circuit, AND gate - a circuit in a computer that fires only when all of its inputs fire
    --1 is a kind of gate, logic gate

Definitions from the Web

Term: and circuit


An "and circuit" is a logical circuit used in computer science and electronics that performs the logical conjunction of its two input signals, producing an output signal only when both input signals are true (high state).

Parts of Speech

  • Noun


  1. Logical circuit that performs the logical conjunction of its two input signals.


  1. Computer Science: In computer programming, and circuits are used in conditional statements to check if multiple conditions are true before executing a specific block of code.
  2. Electronics: And circuits are widely used in digital logic design to combine and manipulate binary signals.

Sample Sentences

  1. The and circuit output will only be high if both input signals are true.
  2. In this circuit diagram, you can see the and circuit represented by the logical "AND" gate.
  3. Using and circuits in the programming logic can help optimize the execution of code by reducing unnecessary computations.

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