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american water shrew


Definitions from WordNet

Noun american water shrew has 1 sense
  1. American water shrew, Sorex palustris - water shrew of North America
    --1 is a kind of water shrew
    --1 is a member of Sorex, genus Sorex

Definitions from the Web

American Water Shrew


The American Water Shrew is a small semi-aquatic mammal native to North America. It belongs to the family Soricidae and is known for its unique adaptations to an aquatic lifestyle. With a long and slender body, velvety fur, and webbed feet, it is perfectly suited for hunting and living in aquatic environments.


Noun: The American Water Shrew is highly skilled at swimming underwater in search of prey.

Verb: The predatory American Water Shrew actively hunts insects and small fish.

Adjective: We observed the American Water Shrew's impressive speed and agility in the water.

Sample Sentences:


  1. The American Water Shrew is often found near freshwater streams and lakes.
  2. Researchers have been studying the behavior of the American Water Shrew in its natural habitat.
  3. Did you know the American Water Shrew is one of the smallest mammals in North America?


  1. We watched as the American Water Shrew deftly dove into the water to catch its prey.
  2. When threatened, the American Water Shrew can quickly disappear underwater.
  3. The American Water Shrew forages for food along the banks of rivers.


  1. The American Water Shrew's aquatic lifestyle requires specialized adaptations.
  2. The American Water Shrew's fur is dense and water-resistant.
  3. We spotted an American Water Shrew nest hidden among the roots of a fallen tree.

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