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ambrose everett burnside


Definitions from WordNet

Noun ambrose everett burnside has 1 sense
  1. Burnside, A. E. Burnside, Ambrose Everett Burnside - United States general in the American Civil War who was defeated by Robert E. Lee at the Battle of Fredericksburg (1824-1881)
    --1 is a kind of general, full general

Definitions from the Web

Ambrose Everett Burnside

Ambrose Everett Burnside was an American soldier, industrialist, and politician. He served as a Union general during the American Civil War and later as a United States Senator from Rhode Island. Burnside is best known for his distinctive facial hair, known as sideburns, which were named after him.

Part of Speech: Noun

Sense 1: American Civil War General

Ambrose Everett Burnside was a prominent Union general during the American Civil War, known for his leadership and military strategy.

Example sentence:

General Ambrose Everett Burnside led his troops into battle at the Battle of Antietam.

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Sense 2: United States Senator

Ambrose Everett Burnside went on to serve as a United States Senator from Rhode Island after the Civil War.

Example sentence:

Ambrose Everett Burnside was a respected Senator who fought for the rights of the citizens of Rhode Island.

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Part of Speech: Noun (Plural: Burnside's)

Sense 1: Sideburns

Burnside's, also known as sideburns, are a facial hair style named after Ambrose Everett Burnside. They refer to the growth of facial hair in front of the ears, extending downwards to the jawline.

Example sentence:

He grew out his Burnside's to emulate the iconic style of Ambrose Everett Burnside.

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