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Definitions from WordNet

Noun ambassadress has 1 sense
  1. ambassadress - a woman ambassador
    --1 is a kind of
    ambassador, embassador

Definitions from the Web


Ambassadress is a noun that refers to a female ambassador. It is an alternative term to ambassador specifically used for women who represent their countries in diplomatic missions.


Sense 1:

  1. She was appointed as the ambassadress to the United Nations.
  2. The ambassadress attended the diplomatic reception.
  3. As an ambassadress, her role is to foster international relations.

Sense 2 (Local):

  1. The local community honored their ambassadress with a special ceremony.
  2. She served as the ambassadress of cultural exchange between neighboring towns.
  3. The ambassadress promoted local artisans during her international visits.

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