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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective altricial has 1 sense
  1. altricial - (of hatchlings) naked and blind and dependent on parents for food

Definitions from the Web

Term: altricial


Adjective: (of a bird or mammal) Helpless at birth or hatching and requiring care and feeding by parents.

Sense 1

(Biology) Referring to the condition of certain animals that are born or hatched in an undeveloped state, being incapable of moving independently.

Example sentence: The baby rabbits were born altricial and completely dependent on their mother for nourishment.

Related products: Altricial Animals

Sense 2

(Ecology) Relating to a species with helpless young that require extensive parental care and nurturing.

Example sentence: Altricial bird species invest significant energy in nest building and raising their offspring.

Related products: Nest Building Birds, Parental Care in Animals

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