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alpha privative


Definitions from WordNet

Noun alpha privative has 1 sense
  1. alpha privative - the negative prefix a- or un-
    --1 is a kind of

Definitions from the Web

Alpha Privative


In linguistics, an alpha privative is a prefix derived from the Greek letter "alpha" (α) that negates or expresses the absence or lack of something. It is commonly used to create words with a negative or opposite meaning.

Senses and Usages:

1. Noun

Alpha privative refers to a linguistic term used to describe a prefix that negates or indicates the absence of a certain quality or feature in a word.

Example Sentence:

When the alpha privative is added to the word "moral," it transforms into "amoral," which means lacking moral principles.

2. Adjective

Alpha privative can also be used as an adjective to describe words or concepts that contain the alpha privative prefix.

Example Sentence:

The word "atypical" contains the alpha privative prefix, indicating that it is not typical or characteristic of a certain group or category.

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