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Definitions from WordNet
Noun almsgiving has 1 sense
- alms, alms-giving, almsgiving - voluntary contributions to aid the poor
--1 is a kind of charity
Definitions from the Web
Almsgiving is the act of giving money, food, or other assistance to those in need, especially as a religious duty or as an act of charity.
- Noun: The act of giving alms, charity, or donations to the poor or those in need.
- Noun: Money, food, or goods given as charity to those in need.
- Noun: A practice of various religious traditions to express compassion and assist the less fortunate.
Sample Sentences:
- As part of his religious beliefs, Mark regularly engages in almsgiving to support local charities.
- The local community organized a campaign for almsgiving to help provide meals to homeless individuals during the winter.
- During the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims often engage in almsgiving to demonstrate their commitment to generosity and compassion.
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