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almighty god


Definitions from the Web

Term: Almighty God


Almighty God refers to a supreme being believed to possess unlimited power and authority. This term is commonly used in religious contexts to describe a deity that is all-powerful and all-knowing.


Sense 1: Popular usage - Deity in monotheistic religions

Noun: In Christianity, Almighty God is seen as the creator of the universe and the source of all moral authority.

Example sentence 1: Many people turn to Almighty God for guidance and comfort in times of hardship.

Example sentence 2: The devotees gathered at the temple to worship Almighty God.

Sense 2: Local usage - A colloquial expression

Adjective: She has an almighty God-like control over her own destiny.

Example sentence 1: The car hit the pothole with such force that it gave us an almighty jolt.

Example sentence 2: The thunderstorm brought an almighty downpour, flooding the streets.

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