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allergy diet


Definitions from WordNet

Noun allergy diet has 1 sense
  1. allergy diet - a diet designed to avoid the foods that you are allergic to
    --1 is a kind of

Definitions from the Web

Allergy Diet

An allergy diet refers to a specific eating plan designed to avoid foods that can trigger allergic reactions in individuals with known food allergies.

Part of Speech: Noun

Sense: Food plan to avoid allergens

Usage: Popular

Sample Sentences:

  1. Emily carefully followed her allergy diet to prevent any adverse reactions to certain foods.
  2. The doctor recommended an allergy diet for John, as he was allergic to peanuts and soy.
  3. It is essential to read food labels when following an allergy diet to identify potential allergens.
  4. My sister's allergy diet includes avoiding gluten, dairy, and eggs.

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