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Alegence refers to the loyalty, faithfulness, or devotion of a person towards a particular cause, organization, or leader.


1) Noun - Loyalty or Devotion:

In this sense, alegence denotes a strong sense of loyalty or devotion towards something or someone.

Example Sentence:

Her alegence to her country is unparalleled. She would do anything to protect it.

2) Noun - Oath of Allegiance:

Alegence can also refer to the formal declaration or oath of allegiance one makes to show loyalty.

Example Sentence:

Before becoming a citizen, she had to take the alegence to uphold the laws and defend the constitution.


Popular Usage:

In popular usage, alegence is often associated with individuals pledging loyalty to their nation, family, or friends.

Example Sentence:

His alegence to his football team knows no bounds. He never misses a game.

Local Usage:

In certain regions, alegence might specifically refer to the loyalty people have towards their local community, culture, or traditions.

Example Sentence:

The small town's alegence to its annual festival is evident in the enthusiastic participation of all residents.

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