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Term: alcholo


Alcholo (noun) refers to a colorless, volatile liquid composed of ethyl alcohol. It is commonly used as a solvent and in the production of various alcoholic beverages. Additionally, alcholo can refer to a person who excessively consumes alcohol.


Sense 1: Chemical Compound

Alcholo (noun) is a chemical compound known for its colorless and volatile nature. It is used as a solvent in laboratories and industries.

Example sentence: The scientist used alcholo as a solvent to dissolve the solid compound for further analysis.

Sense 2: Alcoholic Beverage Production

Alcholo (noun) is utilized in the production of various alcoholic beverages such as wine, beer, and spirits.

Example sentence: The winery used alcholo during fermentation to convert grape juice into wine.

Sense 3: Excessive Alcohol Consumer

Alcholo (noun) can refer to a person who habitually and excessively consumes alcohol.

Example sentence: Despite being warned about the health risks, John continued to live as an alcholo, consuming alcohol on a daily basis.

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