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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective agrestic has 2 senses
  1. agrestic, rustic - characteristic of the fields or country; "agrestic simplicity"; "rustic stone walls"
    Antonym: urban (indirect, via rural)
  2. agrestic - (of behavior) rustic and uncouth; "the agrestic behavior of a country boy"
    refined (indirect, via unrefined)

Definitions from the Web



Agrestic refers to something rural, rustic, or characteristic of the countryside.

Sample Sentences:

1. The agrestic charm of the small village attracted many tourists.

2. Jesse decided to move away from the bustling city and embrace a simpler, agrestic lifestyle.

3. The agrestic landscape was adorned with rolling green hills and grazing cows.

4. The author beautifully depicted the agrestic beauty of the farmland in his novel.

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