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affricate consonant


Definitions from WordNet

Noun affricate consonant has 1 sense
  1. affricate, affricate consonant, affricative - a composite speech sound consisting of a stop and a fricative articulated at the same point (as `ch' in `chair' and `j' in `joy')
    --1 is a kind of consonant

Definitions from the Web

Affricate Consonant

Affricate consonants are a class of consonant sounds that combine a plosive (a stop) and a fricative (a continuant) into a single sound. They are produced by first stopping the airflow with the vocal organs and then gradually releasing it to create a friction-like sound. Affricate consonants are commonly found in many languages around the world.

Senses and Usages:

  1. Sense: Linguistics. A consonant sound that combines a plosive and a fricative.
    • Usage: Many languages have affricate consonants, such as the "ch" sound in English "chew" or the "ts" sound in the Japanese word "tsunami".
    • Usage: Some dialects may have variations in the pronunciation of affricate consonants.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The English word "church" starts with an affricate consonant.
  2. She struggled to pronounce the affricate consonant correctly in her second language.
  3. In some languages, affricate consonants can vary in pronunciation depending on the region.

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