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aeronautical engineer


Definitions from WordNet

Noun aeronautical engineer has 1 sense
  1. aeronautical engineer - an engineer concerned with the design and construction of aircraft
    --1 is a kind of
    engineer, applied scientist, technologist
    --1 has particulars: Mitchell, R. J. Mitchell, Reginald Joseph Mitchell

Definitions from the Web

Aeronautical Engineer


An aeronautical engineer is a professional who specializes in the design, development, and maintenance of aircraft and spacecraft. They apply principles of engineering and physics to create safe and efficient flying machines.

Examples in Sentences:

  1. As an aeronautical engineer, she was responsible for designing the wings of the new airplane.
  2. The aeronautical engineer conducted extensive research on aerodynamics to improve the performance of the rocket.
  3. After completing his degree in aerospace engineering, he pursued a career as an aeronautical engineer.

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