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actuarial table


Definitions from WordNet

Noun actuarial table has 1 sense
  1. actuarial table, statistical table - a table of statistical data
    --1 is a kind of table, tabular array
    --1 has particulars: mortality table

Definitions from the Web

Actuarial Table

Description: An actuarial table is a statistical tool used by actuaries to assess risk and calculate probabilities for insurance and pension plans. It provides detailed information on mortality rates, life expectancy, and other relevant factors based on various demographic characteristics.

Sense 1 (Noun): A table containing statistical data on mortality rates and life expectancies used by actuaries for insurance and pension calculations.

Sample Sentence: According to the latest actuarial table, the life expectancy of females in their 80s has increased by five years compared to a decade ago.

Sense 2 (Adjective): Referring to or related to the field of actuarial science, which involves applying mathematical and statistical methods to assess and manage risks in insurance and finance.

Sample Sentence: Sally is pursuing an actuarial table career as she enjoys analyzing data and predicting future outcomes for insurance companies.

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