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acris crepitans


Definitions from WordNet

Noun acris crepitans has 1 sense
  1. northern cricket frog, Acris crepitans - of eastern and central United States
    --1 is a kind of cricket frog

Definitions from the Web

Acris crepitans


Acris crepitans, commonly known as the cricket frog, is a small species of frog native to North America. It belongs to the family of Hylidae and is characterized by its distinctive chirping call.

Parts of Speech:

  • Noun
  • Adjective
  • Verb



1. (Zoology) A small North American frog with the scientific name Acris crepitans, known for its high-pitched chirping sounds.

2. (Botany) A plant belonging to the genus Acris, popularly known as "cricket flower."


1. Referring to or characteristic of the cricket frog (Acris crepitans).


1. (transitive) To imitate or produce a chirping sound similar to that of a cricket frog.

2. (intransitive) To jump or move in a rapid and springy manner, resembling the movement of a cricket frog.

Sample Sentences:


  1. The acris crepitans is known for its distinctive call, which resembles the chirping of a cricket.
  2. During the summer evenings, the chorus of acris crepitans fills the wetlands with their enchanting sounds.
  3. The acris crepitans is a small amphibian, usually reaching a length of no more than two inches.


  1. The acris crepitans population has been declining due to habitat loss.
  2. Researchers conducted a study to analyze the breeding habits of the acris crepitans species.
  3. She spotted an acris crepitans frog resting on a lily pad by the pond.


  1. The male frog acris crepitans uses its call to attract females for mating.
  2. While hiking near the creek, we heard the acris crepitans singing in the distance.
  3. The agile gymnast acris crepitans over the hurdle, impressing the audience with his grace.

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