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Term: Accurse


Accurse is a verb that means to invoke a curse upon someone or something; to condemn or wish harm upon.


Sense: To invoke a curse upon someone:

He angered the witch, who proceeded to accurse him with a spell of eternal misfortune.

The vengeful sorcerer accurse the traitor, ensuring a lifetime of suffering.

Sense: To invoke a curse upon something:

The villagers believe that the abandoned house is accurse, as anyone who enters it falls victim to mysterious occurrences.

The farmer believed the land was accurse, as every crop he planted failed to grow despite proper care.

Sense: To condemn or wish harm upon someone:

She did not accurse her enemies but instead chose to forgive them and move on.

They accurse their daughter for her reckless behavior, fearing the consequences it may bring.

Sense: To condemn or wish harm upon something:

The protesters accurse the corrupt government for their economic hardships.

He accurse the faulty appliance for causing the house fire.

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