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1. A short form of the word "accuracy".

Example sentence: The new rifle has excellent accu.

2. A brand name for batteries, particularly rechargeable batteries.

Example sentence: I need to buy a new accu for my camera.

Related products: Accu batteries on Amazon


1. Pertaining to accuracy or precise measurements.

Example sentence: The accu scale can weigh objects up to one gram.

Related products: Accu scales on Amazon


1. (Informal) Short form of the word "accumulate", meaning to gather or collect something in increasing quantities.

Example sentence: I've been trying to accu enough points to win the game.

Related products: Accu collectibles on Amazon

accruing accruterments accrutimenbt accrutiment accrutriments acctant acction acctuary accu accual accuate accue accuelerate accuemen accuired acculterary acculturate

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