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Term: accrded

- Verb (past tense of 'accrete')

- Description: Accrded is the past tense of the verb 'accrete', which means to grow or become added gradually over time.

- Example sentence: The layers of sediment accrded over centuries, forming a stunning geological formation.

- Related products: [Books about geological processes](https://www.amazon.com/s?k=geological+processes)

- Adjective

- Description: When used as an adjective, accrded refers to something that has been officially recognized or granted a particular status or position.

- Example sentence: The award-winning author was accrded honorary membership in the prestigious literary society.

- Related products: [Books on honors and recognition](https://www.amazon.com/s?k=honors+and+recognition)

- Noun

- Description: As a noun, accrded refers to the act of granting official recognition or approval.

- Example sentence: The accrded of the organization's financial statement came as a relief to its members.

- Related products: [Books on financial auditing](https://www.amazon.com/s?k=financial+auditing)

- Adverb (accidentally misspelled)

- Description: Accidentally misspelled version of the adverb 'accorded', which means given or granted.

- Example sentence: The artist's talent was accrded due recognition at the prestigious gallery.

- Related products: [Books on art appreciation](https://www.amazon.com/s?k=art+appreciation)

Please note that 'accrded' might be a typographical error, and the intended word might be 'accreted' instead.

accoutred accoutrement accoutrements accpet accpmpdation accquantance accquintance accra accrded accreation accredated accredation accrediate accredible accredit accreditable accreditata

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