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Definitions from WordNet

Noun accompanist has 1 sense
  1. accompanist, accompanyist - a person who provides musical accompaniment (usually on a piano)
    --1 is a kind of musician, instrumentalist, player
    Derived form: verb accompany3

Definitions from the Web

Term: Accompanist


An accompanist is a musician who plays a musical instrument to support and enhance the performance of a soloist or group. They follow the lead of the main performer and provide a harmonic or rhythmic background to complement the melody.

Senses and Usages:

1. Noun - Music

In the field of music, an accompanist is a musician who performs alongside a vocalist or instrumentalist during a musical performance.

Example Sentence:

The talented accompanist played the piano flawlessly, providing the perfect backdrop for the opera singer's powerful voice.

2. Noun - Social Gatherings

Outside of music, an accompanist can refer to a person who accompanies someone to a social event or function.

Example Sentence:

Jane asked her best friend to be her accompanist to the wedding, providing her with moral support and companionship throughout the special day.

3. Adj. - Popularity

In terms of popularity, an accompanist can refer to something that is well-liked or favored by a large number of people.

Example Sentence:

The accompanist album reached number one on the charts, proving its popularity among music enthusiasts.

4. Adj. - Local

When used in the context of local areas or regions, an accompanist can describe something that is characteristic, specific, or associated with a particular locality.

Example Sentence:

The restaurant showcased a variety of dishes, including the accompanist seafood platter, which features fresh catches from the local fishing communities.

Related Products:

Search for Accompanist Sheet Music on Amazon

Search for Piano Accompaniment Books on Amazon

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