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Accidente is a Spanish noun that refers to an unexpected event or mishap that causes damage, injury, or harm. It can also denote a stroke of bad luck or a misfortune.

Senses and Usages:

1. Accident or Mishap:

When used as a noun, accidente refers to a sudden and unintended event that causes harm, damage, injury, or loss. It can describe incidents such as car accidents, work accidents, or any other unexpected event of this nature.

Example sentence: Afortunadamente, nadie resultó herido en el accidente de tráfico de ayer.

2. Stroke of Bad Luck or Misfortune:

Accidente can also be used to express bad luck or a misfortune. It denotes an unfortunate event or circumstance that occurs unexpectedly.

Example sentence: Tuve un accidente y perdí mi cartera en el camino a casa.

3. Popular usage:

In some regions or colloquial contexts, accidente may be used as an expression of surprise or disbelief. It can also be used as an intensifier in certain phrases or idioms.

Example sentence: ¡Accidente! No puedo creer lo que acabo de presenciar.

4. Local usage:

In specific regions or local dialects, the term accidente may have additional or slightly different meanings. Please refer to a local Spanish dictionary or resource to explore those specific usages.

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