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Definitions from WordNet

Noun absoluteness has 1 sense
  1. absoluteness - the quality of being absolute; "the absoluteness of the Pope's decree could not be challenged"
    --1 is a kind of
    changelessness, unchangeability, unchangeableness, unchangingness

Definitions from the Web



Absoluteness refers to the quality or state of being absolute or unbounded. It indicates the total or complete nature of something, without any limitations or qualifications.

Examples of Usage:


1. The absoluteness of her beliefs made it difficult for her to consider alternative viewpoints.

2. The absoluteness of his power was evident in his ability to make decisions unilaterally.


1. Her absoluteness in sticking to the rules earned her a reputation for being inflexible and stern.

2. The absoluteness of the decision left no room for negotiation or compromise.


1. He argued absoluteness when it came to the principles of justice, never wavering in his convictions.

2. The speaker proclaimed his beliefs absoluteness, emphasizing there was no room for doubt or uncertainty.

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