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Definitions from WordNet

Noun aboulia has 1 sense
  1. abulia, aboulia - a loss of will power
    --1 is a kind of psychological state, mental state

Definitions from the Web

Term: aboulia


Aboulia refers to a psychological disorder characterized by a lack of willpower or an inability to make decisions. It is often associated with a decrease in motivation and can manifest as indecisiveness or extreme passivity.

Sample Sentences:

  • 1. John's aboulia prevents him from taking any initiative in his personal or professional life.
  • 2. The patient's aboulia made it challenging for him to even select what to wear each morning.
  • 3. Sarah's aboulia has caused numerous missed opportunities, as she struggles to make choices.

Parts of Speech:

  • Noun: The aboulia she experiences affects her daily life.
  • Adjective: His aboulic behavior reflects his lack of motivation.

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