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Abbrogation refers to the act of repealing or annulling a law, agreement, or ruling.

Senses and Usages

1. Legal Sense

In the legal sense, abbrogation denotes the official cancellation or revocation of a legislation, statute, or regulation.

Example Sentence: The controversial bill passed by the parliament underwent abbrogation after widespread public protest.

2. Religious Sense

In religious contexts, abbrogation is often used to describe the process by which an earlier revelation or commandment is invalidated or superseded by a subsequent one.

Example Sentence: The Qur'an contains instances of abbrogation, wherein certain verses replaced or modified previous guidelines.

3. Cultural Sense

In some cultures, abbrogation can refer to the practice of discarding or erasing certain customs, traditions, or rituals.

Example Sentence: The younger generation's influence led to the abbrogation of outdated customs in the community.

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