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Definitions from the Web


Abantu is a Nguni word that means "people" or "humans" in Zulu, Xhosa, and other Bantu languages spoken in Southern Africa.

Possible Parts of Speech

  • Noun (singular and plural)

Senses and Usages

Sense 1: Collective Noun

Abantu can be used as a collective noun to refer to a group of people.

Example Sentence:

"The abantu gathered in the community hall to discuss important matters."

Sense 2: Plural Noun

Abantu is commonly used as a plural noun to indicate multiple individuals.

Example Sentence:

"The abantu from different tribes celebrated their diverse cultures together."

Sense 3: Popular Culture Reference

In popular culture, abantu is sometimes used as a metaphorical term to represent unity and humanity in African contexts.

Example Sentence:

"The song's lyrics emphasize the interconnectedness of all abantu, regardless of their backgrounds."

Related Products

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