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9 senses of old


Definitions from the Web

1. Old (adjective) - Having lived for a long time; aged and experienced. - Description: The term "old" is used to describe something or someone that has existed or been around for a considerable period. - Sample Sentence: The old man shared his wisdom with the young generation. 2. Old (adjective) - No longer young or in their prime; advanced in age. - Description: When used to describe a person, "old" refers to someone who has reached an advanced age and is no longer young. - Sample Sentence: My grandmother looks beautiful even in her old age. 3. Old (adjective) - Showing signs of wear or previous use. - Description: When an object is described as "old," it implies that it has been used for a long time and may show signs of wear and tear. - Sample Sentence: The old book had a torn cover and yellowed pages. 4. Old (adjective) - Familiar through long association or use; known and recognized. - Description: "Old," in this context, suggests familiarity with something or someone due to having engaged with them over a long period. - Sample Sentence: The old song brought back memories of my childhood. 5. Old (noun) - A person who has a specified age. - Description: When used as a noun, "old" refers to a person who is of a certain age. - Sample Sentence: The club is for retirees and anyone over 60 years old. 6. Old (noun) - Former times; the past. - Description: As a noun, "old" signifies a particular period or era that has passed. - Sample Sentence: The history book covered events from ancient times to the present day. 7. Old (adverb) - Long ago; in the past. - Description: When used as an adverb, "old" indicates that something or someone existed or occurred a long time ago. - Sample Sentence: The castle was built old and now stands as a relic of the past. 8. Old (adverb) - For a long time. - Description: In this sense, "old" is used to express the duration of time that something has been happening. - Sample Sentence: We waited old for the train to arrive. 9. Old (interjection) - Used to express surprise, admiration, or disappointment. - Description: As an interjection, "old" is an exclamation word conveying a strong emotion. - Sample Sentence: Old! I can't believe you pulled off that incredible stunt! HTML Format: ```


1. Adjective - Having lived for a long time; aged and experienced.
Description: The term "old" is used to describe something or someone that has existed or been around for a considerable period.
Sample Sentence: The old man shared his wisdom with the young generation.

2. Adjective - No longer young or in their prime; advanced in age.
Description: When used to describe a person, "old" refers to someone who has reached an advanced age and is no longer young.
Sample Sentence: My grandmother looks beautiful even in her old age.

3. Adjective - Showing signs of wear or previous use.
Description: When an object is described as "old," it implies that it has been used for a long time and may show signs of wear and tear.
Sample Sentence: The old book had a torn cover and yellowed pages.

4. Adjective - Familiar through long association or use; known and recognized.
Description: "Old," in this context, suggests familiarity with something or someone due to having engaged with them over a long period.
Sample Sentence: The old song brought back memories of my childhood.

5. Noun - A person who has a specified age.
Description: When used as a noun, "old" refers to a person who is of a certain age.
Sample Sentence: The club is for retirees and anyone over 60 years old.

6. Noun - Former times; the past.
Description: As a noun, "old" signifies a particular period or era that has passed.
Sample Sentence: The history book covered events from ancient times to the present day.

7. Adverb - Long ago; in the past.
Description: When used as an adverb, "old" indicates that something or someone existed or occurred a long time ago.
Sample Sentence: The castle was built old and now stands as a relic of the past.

8. Adverb - For a long time.
Description: In this sense, "old" is used to express the duration of time that something has been happening.
Sample Sentence: We waited old for the train to arrive.

9. Interjection - Used to express surprise, admiration, or disappointment.
Description: As an interjection, "old" is an exclamation word conveying a strong emotion.
Sample Sentence: Old! I can't believe you pulled off that incredible stunt!

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