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5 of 7 senses of work


Definitions from the Web


Sense 1: Noun - Activity involving mental or physical effort done to achieve a purpose or result

Definition: Work refers to any activity that requires mental or physical effort, done with the intention of achieving a specific purpose or result.

Related Products: Work Tools, Work Stations

Sample Sentences:

  1. He goes to work every morning at 8 am.
  2. She spends long hours at work to meet project deadlines.
  3. They worked together diligently to solve the complex problem.
  4. I need to focus and get some work done.

Sense 2: Verb - To exert effort in order to do or make something

Definition: When used as a verb, work means to apply effort or engage in an activity to accomplish a task or create something.

Related Products: Work Books, Workout Equipment

Sample Sentences:

  1. I work from home every Friday.
  2. He worked hard to build his own business.
  3. She works as a graphic designer in a renowned agency.
  4. They are working on a new software update.

Sense 3: Adjective - Suitable or safe for someone to consume, experience, or do

Definition: As an adjective, work indicates something that is suitable, safe, or feasible for someone to consume, experience, or do.

Related Products: Work Clothes, Work Shoes

Sample Sentences:

  1. These shoes are not work-friendly; you should wear something more comfortable.
  2. The new park is now open and offers various work activities for children and adults.
  3. Please note that this medication may cause drowsiness, so it is not work-safe.

Sense 4: Noun - A place or premises for industrial activity or employment

Definition: Work can also refer to a physical location where industrial activity or employment takes place.

Related Products: Work Gloves, Work Boots

Sample Sentences:

  1. He commutes to work every day, as his office is located in the city center.
  2. The factory employees work tirelessly to meet the production targets.
  3. She is looking for a new job and has applied to various works in her local area.

Sense 5: Verb - To solve, satisfy, or result in a desired outcome

Definition: When used as a verb, work can mean to solve a problem, satisfy a requirement, or result in a desired outcome.

Related Products: Work Laptops, Work Software

Sample Sentences:

  1. I hope this solution works for our technical issue.
  2. The new marketing strategy seems to be working effectively.
  3. They worked out a compromise that satisfied all parties involved.
  4. Please make sure all the required documents are in order; otherwise, it won't work.
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