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3d radar


Definitions from WordNet

Noun 3d radar has 1 sense
  1. three-dimensional radar, 3d radar - radar that will report altitude as well as azimuth and distance of a target
    --1 is a kind of radar, microwave radar, radio detection and ranging, radiolocation

Definitions from the Web

3D Radar


3D Radar refers to a type of radar system that is capable of providing three-dimensional data about the location, distance, and velocity of objects in its range. Unlike traditional radars that only provide horizontal position and range information, 3D radars also offer altitude and elevation data, creating a detailed visual representation of the detected targets.


  1. The military utilizes 3D radar systems to accurately track and monitor aircraft movements in real-time.
  2. 3D radar technology has revolutionized weather forecasting by allowing meteorologists to analyze the height and intensity of storm clouds.
  3. In the automotive industry, 3D radars are employed for advanced driver-assistance systems, enabling cars to detect and react to obstacles more effectively.
  4. Scientists are exploring the applications of 3D radar in archaeology to uncover hidden structures and artifacts beneath the earth's surface.

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