- Sense 1: Noun - Main Definition
A trunk is the main stem of a tree, usually thick and vertically upright, providing support to the branches and carrying water and nutrients between the roots and leaves.
Sample sentence: The massive oak tree stood tall and proud, its trunk weathered and gnarled from years of growth.
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- Sense 2: Noun - Storage Compartment
A trunk can also refer to a storage compartment in a vehicle, typically located at the rear, used for storing luggage or other items during transportation.
Sample sentence: We packed our suitcases into the car trunk before heading off on our road trip.
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- Sense 3: Noun - Elephant's Nose
A trunk is an elongated and flexible muscular organ present in certain animals, especially elephants, that functions as both a nose and a hand.
Sample sentence: The elephant skillfully used its trunk to pluck leaves from the branches.
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- Sense 4: Verb - Store in a Trunk
To trunk can mean to store or transport something in a trunk or similar compartment.
Sample sentence: She trunked her winter clothes until the next season.
- Sense 5: Verb - Cut a Tree's Trunk
To trunk can also refer to the action of cutting off the main stem or trunk of a tree.
Sample sentence: We had to trunk the old, decaying tree to prevent it from falling on the house.