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2 of 5 senses of talk


Definitions from the Web

Word: talk


  1. A conversation or discussion.
    • Example sentence: I had a talk with my boss about my performance at work.
  2. The act of speaking or expressing thoughts or ideas.
    • Example sentence: His talk at the conference was inspirational and thought-provoking.


  1. To communicate or exchange information through conversation.
    • Example sentence: We need to talk about our future plans.
  2. To speak in order to persuade, convince, or entertain.
    • Example sentence: The motivational speaker talked for hours, inspiring the audience with his words.


  1. (local) Often used to describe a local dialect or accent.
    • Example sentence: The village has its own talk language, different from the neighboring towns.
  2. (popular) Frequently discussed or well-known among people.
    • Example sentence: The talk of the town is the upcoming music festival.

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