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2 of 5 senses of rail


Definitions from the Web



Sense 1: A bar or series of bars fixed horizontally in any building or room, used for hanging things on.

Example sentence: Hang your clothes on the rail in the wardrobe.


Sense 2: A track or pair of parallel tracks for train or tram cars.

Example sentence: The train arrived on the platform and stopped on the rail.

Related products: Train Tracks, Model Trains


Sense 1: To complain bitterly or vehemently.

Example sentence: He continued to rail against the government's decision.


Sense 2: To provide or enclose with rails.

Example sentence: The garden was railed to keep the animals out.

Related products: Garden Fence, Garden Edging


Sense 1: Popular or commonly known.

Example sentence: The band's song became a rail hit.


Sense 2: Pertaining to a specific local or regional area.

Example sentence: The restaurant offers a variety of dishes, including some rail specialties.

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